You saw a 36-year-old woman for her routine antenatal care at 30 weeks of gestation. She mentions that she felt a lump in her breast a few days previously. You examine and confirm that she does indeed have a lump in her right breast. What investigation will you ask for in the first instance?
What's the best incision to a void morbidity in female with high BMI?
Pregnant women at 14 weeks of gestation with severe ankylosing spondylitis which complain of severe neck pain not relieved by hot packs. Analgesia of choice?
Postpartum anaemia is defined as Hb less than ?
Which SSRI is associated with the highest risk of congenital abnormalities?
Pregnant women with sickle Cell disease and separated from the partner and not keen on prenatal diagnostic test.
Choose the most appropriate for situation ?
A 36 years old she came with her husband and ask you about the rate of conception of couple in first year?
A 33-year-old para 3+0 woman with a weight of 135 kg and a BMI of 52 kg/m2 and a history of three previous caesarean sections is admitted at 39 weeks of gestation for an elective caesarean section. The procedure is associated with an intraoperative haemorrhage of approximately 2 litres. What's is the drug used in cesarean section to decrease significantly blood loss?
Healthy woman and have no risk factor is planning to conceive. partner is on Leflunomide for rheumatoid arthritis (immunosuppressants drugs). What should be your advice?
A 33-year-old woman has a 2-year history of heavy menstrual bleeding. She exhibits regular menstrual cycles without any associated pelvic pain and does not suffer from intermenstrual or postcoital bleeding. She is not clinically anaemic and all previous cervical smears normal and her last smear was 1 year prior. What's the first line for treatment?
A 40 years old pregnant woman diagnosed to have vasa previa. She presented with PPROM at 29 weeks. CTG normal and no bleeding. There only clear liquor draining?
Patient undergo surgery, then back with continuous vagina leakage. What's the initial investigation?
What helps in enhanced recovery program from the following options?
Which principle dictates that a Dr should explain the risk of operation and complications to the patient ?
A 65 years old women presented with bleeding. On TVS the endometrial thickness was 2 mm and small simple cyst 8 mm. What should be done?
Pregnant woman on adenosine for atrial fibrillation, undergoing at hysteroscopic polypectomy. When to stop the drug?
What's the advantage of Joel-Cohen incision?
Trainee has bad attitude, difficult to work with, college supervisor informed. what type of assessment tool/method to deal with the situation.
Pigment lesion on labia which is 8 mm in size, most appropriate next step ?
female undergo suction evacuation, histopathology report complete Mole , which of the following is most appropriate?
Which of the following describes capacitive coupling?
Measure association between uterine artery doppler and prematurity?
primigravidae had evacuation of uterus for miscarriage/early pregnancy. Post-evacuation she developed of central cyanosis and chest pain and she died two days after evacuation. found in post-mortem examination to have Eisenmenger's syndrome.
Due to lack of data, you accept null hypothesis which she may be wrongly accepted. what is the type of error?
A 43 years old lady had UAE for fibroids. What's the chance of re-operation for leiomyoma-related symptoms by this 5-year follow up?
One of the following is contraindicated by MHRA during breastfeeding?
A 25 years old female patient with postcoital bleeding and increased vaginal discharge. She is on long term progesterone for contraception. She had a new partner. She is concerned about her complaints. On examination there is a large cervical ectropion and clear vaginal discharge. What's is the causative organism?
Pregnant woman at 22 weeks attends ANC and after 2 weeks killed by husband?
A 34 years old with FGM has delivered vaginally, giving birth to a healthy baby boy. There was a tear at FGM scar tissue without bleeding. The woman requested to re-suture With the purpose of restoring original infibulated shape
The most appropriate action would be which of the following ?
The Filshie clip method for female sterilization should be placed into?
Primigravida had a placental abruption and that resulted in stillbirth. What is the risk of abruption in future pregnancy?
A 56 years old lady with complex endometrial hyperplasia with atypia and she doesn’t want any treatment. What's the risk of progression to cancer without treatment?
Female pregnant 9 weeks gestation, she complains of heavy vaginal bleeding. by ultrasound endometrial thickness 14 mm, no adnexal mass, no fluid in pouch of Douglas. What is the most likely diagnosis of this ultrasound?
Which of the following describes capacitive coupling?
Baby born to a type 1 diabetes woman, breastfeeding start quickly and blood glucose of baby post-delivery was (2.2 to 4.4). On the 2nd day , the baby was unwell with twitching and coarse tremors. What's the cause?
A 43 year's female genital mutilation and never had sex before
The most appropriate action would be which of the following ?
Asthmatic pregnant lady received short acting beta blocker and 800 steroids but her asthma not controlled next step?
24-year-old man had vaginal intercourse with a 20-year-old woman who was heavily intoxicated at the time of the act. She was seen flirting and kissing the man at a party earlier in the evening. She has no memory of going to the man’s home and engaging in any sexual acts. When to check or screening sexually transmitted disease after rape?
Screening for GDM in current pregnancy for previous GDM, when should be?
Female diagnosed as missed miscarriage. medical management done, then after 3 weeks did pregnant test which was positive. What's should be the next step?
A 30 years old transgender with subtotal hysterectomy. He is unwilling to have cervical screening and he is smoking. What's the recommendation of cervical screening here?
Mesh complications should be reported to which of the following?
A 56 years old woman had TAH+ bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and has ovarian cancer, which of the following will be the main stay of her post-operative treatment ?
Sex worker with a single painless ulcer on labia minora. What's is the causative organism
A 28-year-old African American woman comes into the sexually transmitted diseases clinic with her boyfriend to get an HIV test and to get screened for any sexually transmitted infections. She has a history of several STDs in the past. The routine screening ordered for this woman included screening for Trichomonas vaginalis infection. Which one of the following would you recommend as the preferred screening test for detecting T. vaginalis infection in this asymptomatic woman?
31 weeks recurrent herpes with prom: A 31-year-old pregnant women, she comes to clinic for evaluation of ulcer and leakage of fluid. Her GA was 32 weeks of gestation. Speculum examination done and diagnosed as PPROM. She has a 6-year history of recurrent genital herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection for which he typically takes a 5 to 10-day course of acyclovir, and to which he usually responds well. Most appropriate management?
35 years old undergone surgery (bowel resection) for Crohn’s disease. Now pregnant, Advice Vit D & calcium intake as they are deficient. What is the main mechanism of action of Vit D on calcium metabolism?
Female had previous history of PPROM with traumatic cervix due to past HO of (LEETZ) for CIN , cervix is very short by vaginal examination, which of the following is most appropriate for situation ?
Female has vulvar cancer less than 1mm. management?
What's the recommended time of delivery of a woman with anti-K which remain low through her pregnancy without complication?
22 years old lady has Caesarean section scar ectopic pregnancy. What's the best management?
Test used to compare 3 groups of parametric data?
Women with CF. she came preconception to ask about the risk in her pregnancy, which of the following complications she should be councelled about ?
A 34 years old woman with FGM has delivered smoothly, giving birth to a healthy baby girl. Using FGM risk assessment tool, the born baby was assessed as being at low risk.
The most appropriate action would be which of the following ?
Female has pigmented lesion on vulva. What's the appropriate investigation?
Patient of PMS on long-term GnRH and add-back tibolone therapy. What should be done if she is on long term therapy?
Female has Sickle Cell disease; she refuses any intervention or treatment of baby intrauterine?
When assessing data from a clinical trial which statistical test is the most appropriate to determine whether there is a significant difference between the mean values of the same measurements made under two different conditions?
A 30 years old pregnant lady history of schizophrenia on olanzapine. what could be the side effect of Olanzapine on pregnancy?
Pregnant women have a beta Thalassemia carrier. Partner in prison so cannot get his haemoglobinopathy status checked.
Choose the most appropriate for situation ?
What's the most common cause for abnormal vaginal discharge of child-bearing age?
Female on Apixaban for treatment of atrial fibrillation. will undergo outpatient hysteroscopic polypectomy under local anaesthesia?
Male with abnormal semen analysis showing non-obstructive azoospermia and has varicocele. What's the next treatment?
A 28 years old suffering from Ulcerative Colitis on Mesalazine, planning for pregnancy and came for prepregnancy counselling. What advice will you give regarding Mesalazine on pregnancy?
A woman on Leflunomide for rheumatoid arthritis (immunosuppressants drugs) is planning to conceive. What should be your advice?
Fetal anomaly scans normal despite micrognathia, next step should be which of the following?
Pregnant women her gestational age was 18 weeks with parvovirus chances of fetal infection percentage?
A15 years old girl came with her mother complain of frequent menses and kind of hirsutism, the mother told you the girl undergo surgery in genitalia due to abnormality after birth (Clitoromegaly).
Which of the following is most likely ?
Woman and her partner has been assessed using family questionnaire. sheis born in UK, her parents are from UK and her husband has been adopted (European origin). He doesn't know about mother’s origin.
Choose the most appropriate for situation ?
A 32 years old lady undergo laparoscopy treatment for endometriosis. Endometric foci noticed in pouch of Douglas and adhesion. your management should be which of the following?
A 24 years, presented to A&E at 22 weeks of gestation, had IVF conception for tubal pathology. She gave a 24 hrs. history of right sided abdominal pain and feeling generally unwell. She had some nausea but no vomiting. On examination: temperature of 38.1°C, abdomen was soft, with tenderness. US shows 5x10 mm a non-compressible, blind-ending tubular structure in the right iliac fossa. What the most likely diagnosis?
Severe SGA less than 5" centile. ultrasound shows a lot of fetal anomalies; clenched hands, Rocker bottom foot and cleft lip and palate. which of the following is most likely ?
On the trainee logbook for an OSAT all competent but a month ago you have supervised him for that 0SAT and needed improvement that 0SAT not on his loghook, all other OSATs perfermance is satisfactory.
Pregnant women at 9 weeks of gestation with severe migraine. She is off all her migraine medications as soon as her pregnancy is confirmed. Analgesic of choice?
A female with thrombocytopenia 90 x 103. What is the recommendation for the mode of delivery?
Trainee comes late to shift with smell of alcohol but first time, staff also noted and not Ist time.
What's is the most common type of ureteric injury during laparoscopic surgery?
A woman is opting for physiological management of the third stage of labour. Risk of PPH with physiological management of third stage of labour?
Surgical mask prevents inhalation of which type of smoke?
Warty lesion on vulva was excised and histopathology showed there was basal cell carcinoma with resection margin of 1 mm. Next step?
Primary investigations in female with infertility?
46 years old lady with HMB, ultrasound show endometrial thickness 16 mm. What's the most appropriate investigation?
Turner syndrome women is undergoing IVF. what is the most life- threatening risk for heart in pregnancy?
Vacuum used 3 times with 2 POP off, baby moves from 0 station to +1. What's the next management?
female has multiple painless fleshy lesions on vulva. What's is the causative organism?
A woman came to you to discuss about the risk reducing prophylactic surgery for ovarian cancer. which of the following is associated with the highest risk of ovarian cancer?
Pregnant women with history of exposure to a child with measles. Booking serum showed negative IgG and IgM. what is the treatment to reduce transmission to the fetus?
A primigravida attends the delivery suite with contractions 3:10 at 36 weeks of gestation. Speculum and vaginal exam, which reveals that there is no evidence of ruptured fetal membranes, but she is 6 cm dilated. The woman had been treated at 29 weeks of gestation for an incidental finding of group B streptococcus (GBS). She had vomiting, diarrhea, watery nose when she took penicillin before. Which is the most appropriate intrapartum management?
Primigravida in labour ,fully dilated, 1-hour passive and now 50 minutes active pushing and the head in +2 station. next management option should be?
Down's syndrome detection rate of combined test in twins?
Risk in female with turner syndrome in pregnancy by IVF oocyte donation?
Trainee reflect on an incident which had bad outcome. You have been involved in the incident and you notice incorrect information in the reflection
Pregnant woman with severe pre-eclampsia with proteinuria at 29 weeks underwent lower segment cesarean section. She admitted to ICU her BP was very high 220/120 mmHg. She developed intracranial hemorrhage and collapsed 5 weeks after delivery.
What's the most common abnormal karyotyping is associated with truncus arteriosus?
A 27 years old lady with oligomenorrhea, hirsutism, high level of progesterone. What's the most appropriate investigation?
Very rare means which incidence ?
A 25 years old pregnant women with missed miscarriage at 9 weeks gestation with mild bleeding a mild abdominal pain. Your management?
Patient has stress urinary incontinence not willing for midurethral sling. What is the most appropriate next management step?
Pregnant women at 37 weeks with history of chickenpox 4 weeks before delivery. What is the risk of fetus to develop varicella infection of the newborn (congenital varicella syndrome)?
A 60-year-old woman presents to the gynaecology outpatient clinic with a 6-month history of urinary urgency, day time frequency every hour and night time frequency of three to four times. She has no urge or stress urinary incontinence with normal urine analysis. What's the next step?