Leading Online Arab Board Obstetrics & Gynecology Part 1 & 2 Question Bank
Why Did We Build This ?
This question bank was created with the intention of getting it all in one place , in other words , we believe that in such diversity and abundancy of resources for Arab boards part 1 and part 2 exam , it would be of great value to collect , verify , monetize and explain questions from all sources into one unified question bank more than which you are not likely to need .
How are the current sources of Arab Board ObGyn exam ?
Unfortunately almost all known popular sources for Arab Boards part 1 and 2 exam have one or more of those major flaws of either being Outdated , Insufficient , Unorganized or Inaccurate , leading to candidates resorting to basic literature for completion and verification of curriculum .
Then comes the online courses with hundreds of hours of from-scratch illustration of basic literature , a pathway that we believe is time consuming and not critical-data-focused ( e.g. since eligibility for exam requires a medical degree or a medical license )
Due to these facts most physicians that pass exam report having to rely on multiple sources for their SBA’s training , A problem that we seem to eliminate in ArabBoardObgyn .
What Do We Offer ?
A Neat , Organized , Less shattered pathway for passing your Arab Board Part 1 & 2 exam .
With much effort we believe that we managed to combine quantity with quality into our SBA’s bank for part 1 & part 2
In terms of quantity , a non-comparable number of SBA questions was inegrated ( 4,000 for each part really are a big deal ) in terms of quality , You can check the “How it was built ?” in the next section to get to know how questions are processed at the back-end .
How It Was Built ?
First we had to collect the infinity pool of questions including the commonly used SBAs books ( some of their content rendered outdated now and hence excluded ) and past recalls up to July 2023
Some SBA’s are now rendered outdated or used to be important back then ( Some sources are more than 10 years old )but they are not anymore . We made sure that such SBA’s won’t be a trouble to you .
The right answers had to be checked and re-checked because on one hand some sources provide faulty answers to some questions , and on the other hand some SBAs & EMQs right answers literally changes over time ( e.g. the most common direct cause of maternal mortality in UK )
Explanation assembly
If you can read this page then you are definitely aware that the explanation of SBA’s is even more critical than the question itself . It represents the key data that you have to acquire to be able to figure out endless spectrum of SBA’s that can originate from the same key data . We made sure that explanations provided be summarized , informative , verified , not too short to be less informative and not too long to mask critical data
User Interface Design
We had our web designers guided by our past exam takers to create a user interface that mimics exam format and brings its whole setting within the palm of your hand
Putting such huge number of questions into a neat , user-friendly platform that can be accessed with ease .
What We're All About
Simply the Biggest , Most Updated and and most User-Friendly Arab Boards Question Bank , All Delivered in the Best Exam-like Experience Since Day 1 Of Your Training .
What ArabBoardObgyn combines ?
Basically every SBA & EMQ question ever was for Arab Boards part 1 and 2 examination for obstetrics and gynecology .
Outdated sources were modified and updated then included in ArabBoardObgyn Question bank .
Recalls of past 10 years [ 2013-2023]
Case scenario questions
Image questions
Explanations representing the entire curriculum
Best and biggest available ObGyn Question Bank for Arab Boards
Quality And Quantity Combined
Learn Online at Your Own Pace And Figure Out Your Accepted Rate Per Day
Total number of SBAs / Number of revision days
Learn more about how to make maximum benefit in our User's Manifesto
Updated Exam-Like Format
we made sure that our bank be arranged and designed to give you the best exam-mimic experience , specially in mock mode .